MC Containers Has Built a Mobile Ski Service in a Container

MC Containers was part of an innovative project meant to make skiing more accessible to young ski racers in Norway.

In partnership with Wintersteiger and Norsk Alpinservice AS, MC Containers has transformed a container into an Alpine Mobile Center (AMC).

This is for the first time that the container of a truck has been equipped with a fully automated service machine, including a racing shop and a boot fitting station.  The AMC is a mobile ski service that helps young ski racers have direct and fast access to ski service and not be constrained by financial or logistic aspects.

“We are truly proud to be part of this amazing project as we have always supported youth sports. We think it is very important that the young generation live healthy lifestyles and the Alpine Ski Services promotes equal opportunities and accessibility to ski facilities kids need. This way young ski racers can concentrate on performance”, said Jesse Mattson CEO, Partner MC Containers.

The role of MC Container was to shape the container and adjust it so that it’s not only visually appealing but also very functional. The equipment fits inside in a flawless way, leaving enough space for people to access the facilities when putting in use. The container is perfectly isolated offering both comfort and utility.

“  This is a prototype container where we had the chance to do what we know best – innovate and facilitate the use of containers in various ways and for various purposes,” said Jesse Mattson

You can follow the story over the Europe in instagram with #alpinemobilecenter

The mobile Alpine ski service is a pilot project meant to extend in the future to allow a higher coverage of the skiing domain and access to the innovative container truck.


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